

1. Class projects, Attendance and Participation---10% Ongoing

Directions for class projects distributed in class. Attendance at all class meetings. Active and constructive class participation both on and off-line. Participation includes utilizing e-mail and blogging as an integral part of the course as well as participation in any scheduled on-line discussions.

2. Blogging/Reading 20% On-going-Final Review will by on due date of final

Using a Blogging tool like Edublog, Blogger or Wordpress create your own blog to archive your projects, reflections, and insights, about this course. See Blogging/Reflective Writing rubric for guidance.
Examples of Blog Entries may include:
In-class project reflections
Log of daily activities
Sharing of ideas and thoughts for your classroom
Teaching tips
Aha moments! or overload moments!
Reactions to other bloggers posts

Required Blog Entries:
-In class assignments-Instructor will specify which assignments should be uploaded to the blog.
-Web Application/Webware Presentation-What site are you using? Who will you be working with? Overview of Presentation
-Reflections on book you are reading
-Final Project Proposal-What is your web page about? What web tools or software will you be using?
-Your final project-URL (If a web page), paper and other relevant materials

As part of this project you will also have blogging partners who will post comments and feedback to your posts. We will talk more about this in class.

3. Web Application/Webware Presentation 15% Due Sunday of Second Weekend

With a partner, select one Web Application to investigate in depth. You will have 20-25 minutes to give an in-class presentation on the second weekend. For your presentation, you may prepare a hands-on activity (this can be on-line using the site or an educational activity gleaned from the site) for your short presentation. Be sure to focus on the educational benefits of this site and the validity and strengths. You should bring copies of directions or worksheets (if applicable) for your classmates to follow for the hands-on activity. Be sure to add a blog entry detailing what site you shared, what you learned about the site and any other applicable material.
For ideas:

4. WebQuest --15%  (Plan due second weekend)
You will work to develop a Webquest  in an area of your choice, which should be specific and relevant to your classroom curriculum or professional assignment. Between the two weekends you should write a draft of your WebQuest and gather any necessary web sites and images to be used in your WebQuest. You will  publish the web site on the second weekend in class.Your Webquest should be designed so that other teachers can pick up this Webquest and use it in their classrooms. Make sure you include the title, introduction, task, process, resources, evaluation and conclusion as detailed in the hand-outs.  You should include a teacher section that details any materials or knowledge that other teachers should have before using the WebQuest as well as connection to state standards.
Note: You may work on this project with 1-2 other classmates. The quality and depth of treatment of the project should reflect that more than one person worked on the project.
Reminder:*****All that is needed to pass in on 2nd weekend is the complete written draft (not just notes) of your WebQuest along with the sites you will need students to link to. You do not need to create it in a web format. This will be done in class.
5.Video Assignment 10% -Videos are located in the assignment section of MyLesley. After watching each video, go to the Discussion area of MyLesley and react to the content. This assignment will comprise 3 hours of your ten hours of the "Friday" time. The assignment will count for 10% of your grade. There will be a rubric in the Discussion area to guide you in what a great response/reflection might look like.
6. Final Project Proposal-Write a one paragraph description of your final project plan.